B. Maxson Art Studios
Textured Acrylic Florals


(posted on 3 Nov 2023)

My humble apologies for being delinquent with the past few newsletters.  I actually had one I thought was sent for Sept/October happenings.  But I was interrupted in the sending process and my laptop shut down without me saving it.  You probably know what happened there.  Sadly, that one was in the ethereal world of "somewhere". Well, this one I sincerely intend to complete before my laptop closes on its own.  

So, here is what is happening in my life in the art world for this month.  

First, I am thrilled to participating in the North Country Arts Council (NCAC) 75th Fall Juried Art Show.  This is my sixth year having pieces of my artwork accepted.  This year I submitted 5 pieces, all heavy texture of some sort and all 5 were accepted.  This is quite an honor.  The pieces are shown below.



If you are at all interested in one of these, please let me know.  I will need to direct you to the proper person within NCAC for the purchasing process.

Second, a fascinating bit of information also has to do with NCAC.  I have been asked to be a part of their board in 2024 helping in the Education part.  It will entail helping to create fun and artistic opportunities within the communities for people to share in the experience of the arts.  I am excited for this open door.  

Next, this weekend, if you are local to me, please head to Potsdam to the Market Street Mall to check out my set up for the SLCA Studio Tours.  I will not be in my own studio (because they tell me I am the only artist at this far end of the St. Lawrence County.  That's what I get for living in such a huge county.)  I plan to bring a few things which will allow me to provide a couple of demonstrations on the Heavy Texture process.  Please stop in to support me.  It will mean a great deal. 

To all of you who faithfully follow me and my work, I thank you.  Especially during this upcoming Thanksgiving season, I am truly grateful to my followers and my Collectors of my artwork.  I believe it is a gift from God, the ability to paint and create beautiful things.  For me, this is my chance to let you all know my heart in this matter.


Happy Thanksgiving to all,
